Another Customer Service to Increase Your Online Sales

Locker delivery service

Have you ever come home from work to find a notice on your door that UPS had tried to deliver a package, but you weren’t there to receive it? This often happens to me when I order things online. Often delivery is rescheduled for the next day when I am also at work at that time. It’s possible to sign a release form to have the package left at the door, but that’s a risky thing to do in today’s world. Also, I sometimes need the article immediately and don’t want to wait for another delivery day.

Especially during the holiday season, timely delivery of online purchases is critical. With so many other things to contend with during this time period, nobody wants to deal with late or lost deliveries.

In a recent article for, Mark Raby reports on an expanding locker delivery service that was successfully introduced last year to eliminate some of the hassles of package delivery. Amazon and Staples are partnering this year to deploy a new system in which Staples will now allow Amazon to place kiosks on their floor space. Customers can have their Amazon online purchases sent directly to these machines. Customers can pick up their purchases at their leisure, avoiding having to stay at home waiting for delivery.

Amazon profits by giving customers better, faster delivery. Customers profit because of speed and convenience of pickup. Staples profits because of the expectation that customers coming in to pick up packages will also buy Staples products before they leave the store. It’s a WIN-WIN situation for all involved!

Online purchasing continues to increase in popularity, especially during the holidays. Are you positioned to get your share of these sales for your company? CPOnline and NCR Retail Online have the features needed to build your online sales not only for the holidays, but for the future as well. 

If you need more information, or would like help with your Retail Systems, call us at 425-672-4806 or email us.


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