iOS7 And CPMobile

iOS7 And CPMobile

If you are using CPMobile, you will want to read this!

A note from NCR states that Apple has announced that iOS7 will be released Sept. 18.  NCR has been working hard to be sure CPMobile 1.8 will work seamlessly with iOS7. They can not confirm compatibility until NCR tests with the final version of iOS 7 now they have received it from Apple.

They are working to certify CPMobile 1.8 for use with iOS 7 and publish it to the app store as quickly as possible. Their goal is to have CPMobile 1.8 ready on 9/18, to coincide with the release of iOS 7. However, they cannot guarantee availability on that date. They may encounter issues during testing or delays in the app store approval process.

NCR recommends NOT to upgrade to iOS7 until CPMobile 1.8 is available and installed on those devices. If you upgrade your CPMobile devices to iOS 7 prior to the release of CPMobile 1.8, there is significant risk that critical features of CPMobile may not work as expected.

In addition, when you upgrade your CPMobile devices to iOS 7, you must “unseat” and re-register each device before using CPMobile 1.8. This requirement is the result of a change in iOS 7 that affects how apps detect which device they are running on. You can find instructions on how to unseat and re-register your CPMobile devices here.

If you are interested in CPMobile, or need help updating when available, please call the CCS Support Department at 800.672.4806 or email us.


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