Understanding Script Errors

Scripting Errors Encountered

What Are Scripting Errors

A scripting error does not mean that a page is non-functional.  It can simply be a difference in the internal working of your brand and version of browser – as you have it configured.  It can be a temporary overload of a server that we exchange services with, like Weather.com.  You are normally safe in continuing.  We trap Scripting Errors and offer an Email and Print function on the data captured.   Please complete and email the error trapped so we can review it.

Cross-Browser Considerations

There are several brands of browsers you can choose from.  The most popular are: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, OperaApple Safari, Google Chrome, and Linux Konqueror.  We test with these products to make sure our website is as compatible as possible.  We can miss some finer points.  If you are using one of these browsers, check that your configuration allows JavaScript, and uses the Arial 10 point font as the default.

Other Browsers

If your browser is not one of the products mentioned above, it may have some special features, or configuration options, that are incompatible with our site.  Most browsers use the Trident browser engine (Internet Explorer), the Mozilla Gecko engine (Firefox), the KHTML engine (Konqueror), or the Web-kit engine (Safari and Chrome).  If your browser is not part of these families, make sure the data we have captured in the ENVIRONMENT section of an error reflects this before emailing it to us.  If not, please add your browser information to the end of the error box.

We are not promising to make adjustments to our pages, if your browser is not a main-stream product.  You may want to add another browser to your system, as an alternative.

More Information

If you want to explorer this topic further we suggest looking at Quirks Mode or Browser Engines or other Wikipedia topics.

Our Document Type is:  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN” > for maximum quirks support.


Thanks for your help.

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