Graduation Spurs Gift Purchasing

It’s graduation time again, and that means many people will be looking for ideas for gifts for graduates they know and love. Although not considered a major spending season by most retailers, it is nonetheless a period of increased spending by consumers.
National Retail Federation’s Graduation Spending Survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics predicts that the average person buying graduation gifts will spend $102.50 and will shop for approximately two graduates.
What items are expected to be top choices on consumers’ lists? Cash is Number 1, but electronic items, gift cards, apparel and other miscellaneous items (like greeting cards) will reach $4.77 billion, according to the survey. This number is the highest predicted in the survey’s 10-year history.
Now would be a good time to make sure your POS System is set up to issue gift cards! NCR’s Counterpoint offers this feature, and you can learn more about it by calling us today at 800/425-672-4806 or you can email us if it’s more convenient for you. 
Don’t miss out on graduation sales profits. Call today!
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