Charging Your iPhone In A New Way?

SolMate SmartPhone Charging System 

On Saturday, I was listening to GeekWire on News Talk 97.3 KIRO FM radio. A new product called SolMate, now under development, was being discussed. Though the subject was interesting, my time was limited, so I didn’t hear the entire show. Later, I checked out the GeekWire website, and found the details about the new product in an article by John Cook titled “Meet The SolMate: This Case Charges Your iPhone In The Sun (And Shade)”

It turns out that the product being developed by co-founders Adam Benzion and Jamie Wocik is an iPhone case with a razor-thin solar panel and a 16-bit microcontroller circuit board that will provide a charge directly to a mobile device, completely doing away with grid charging. The problem is that, so far, it will only be useful in Florida or California, since the phone has to be in sunlight or in non-direct sunlight about four to five hours a day.

Similar solar chargers have been developed in the past, but have had only limited success since they can charge only in the sun. The co-founders think that this new product will be better because it can charge in the shade, also. It may even be used, eventually, to charge iPads. Just think—you could be out at a show with your NCR CPMobile POS device, conducting business without ever having to charge your phone!

Buying and selling “on the go” is here to stay. For more information about NCR CounterPoint CPMobile Mobile POS, we’re here to answer your questions at 800-672-4806, or email us!

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