“Flash Robs”

Flash Robs – Group Theft Attacks!

Social media has changed our way of life.  "Flash Mobs" – the impromtu gatherings of participants, from dances in shopping malls to uprisings in the Middle East have become a way of life.  Now law enforcement officials are warning of a new trend: "Flash Robs".

They are saying retailers this holiday season need to protect themselves against a new group of unwanted visitors; swarms of teenagers and young adults who plot via Twitter, phone text and Facebook to descend on stores and steal merchandise and money.  According to the NFR, in some cases injuries have resulted from the size of the crowds.  While most attaches have been on department stores and big-box chains, they recommend that the small retailer have a plan to keep this from happening to them.

Some recommendations are:

  • Avoiding putting merchandise by the door
  • Position workers near key areas of the store and valuable merchandise
  • Keep good visibility through out the store
  • Stock only what is needed on the floor
  • Maintain low levels of cash

So a new but scary phenomenon.   CounterPoint can help you stay on top of your store’s inventory and cash flow in many ways.   The newest one is SmartAlerts that will email or text you warnings to help you know what is happen in your store without always being there.   Two that come to mind are notifications of low stock on premium inventory and when cash in drawer has gone over a set level.    Helping you keep a tighter control during the holidays goes directly to your bottom line.   So if you would happened to be hit by a "Flash Rob" or just the normal issues that come up during your busy season, CounterPoint can help you be prepared. 

Call us to see how SmartAlerts can help you.   800-672-4806 or email sales@ccscentral.com.

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